Daddy drinks hot tea every now and then but his preference is for the tea sometimes known as "Southern Table Wine" - sweet iced tea. The key aspect of his sweet tea is that the sugar be totally dissolved. This can be accomplished by making a simple syrup or by pouring the boiling water over granulated sugar and the tea. This allows the sugar to dissolve complete and infuse the tea with the characteristic sweetness for which Southern Table Wine is known.
My Daddy is the representation of a true Southern Gentleman. He knows how to make anyone feel comfortable and is incredibly adaptable. I like to think that aspect of my personality comes from his influence. Daddy is equally at ease in his tuxedo at a black-tie affair or wearing cammo in a deer stand during hunting season.
Most children were sung to sleep with "Rock-a-Bye Baby." No standard lullaby would do when Daddy sang me to sleep. Marty Robbins' "Gunfighter Ballads" were his lullaby of choice. The song "Big Iron" is the ring tone he hears when I call. My ring tone when he calls is "El Paso." Click on the link for a listen to the song that will always remind me of my Daddy:
I know I can speak for my sister when I say that we have the most awesome parents in the world. Every child should be as lucky. I love you, Daddy.
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