Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is a Crumpet?

Most everyone has probably heard the phrase "tea and crumpets," but what exactly is a crumpet? A crumpet is a bread made from flour and yeast that is cooked on a flat-top griddle instead of being baked in an oven. Most crumpets are round and are cooked in a ring mold but sometimes they are square. Since crumpets are toasted after cooking, a square shape is perfect for popping in a toaster. Another fun way for toasting crumpets is using a wire shaped "crumpet toaster" over an open fire. This celver device has a long handle and 4 "fingers" that hold the crumpet securely. Here is a link to a website where you can purchase your own crumpet toaster or just see what one looks like

Crumpets on their own are very bland as the basic recipe is just flour, yeast, leavening and a pinch of sugar. Very similar to an english muffin with its characteristic nooks and crannies the crumpet is the perfect foil for butter, jam, honey, peanut butter or other favorite toppings. The toppings, especially butter, sink into the nooks and crannies creating a flavorful bite all the way through. Here is a recipe:

There is also a Scottish crumpet which is more like a pancake. They are cooked on a flat griddle, but not reheated after cooking. The Scottish crumpet is generally filled with fruit or jam and folded over like a crepe.

With winter upon us here in North Georgia the Tea Lady is picturing a cozy fire, toasting crumpets over the flames, then slathering the warm disk with real butter and this summer's strawberry/fig jam. Lots of napkins will be needed as the butter and jam melt into the nooks and crannies. A perfectly brewed pot of Yunnan Superior on the coffee table completes the scene.

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